Brazil (December 2004) – One of our FMI leaders traveled to Brazil to connect up with Iris Ministries to share Christ, preach, teach, and heal. During this trip, opportunity was arranged for FMI to take a team to Brazil in the summer of 2005.
Brazil, Mozambique (Summer 2005) – Based on the leadership trip to Brazil in 2004, the Lord directed FMI to take a team to Brazil to work with Iris Ministries in the cities of Sao Paulo and Novo Friburgo, laying ourselves down to serve Iris Ministries there and help them to pull things together for the children’s center that they are building in that country. God has forged a strong relationship with Iris Ministries and we are thankful for their solid affirmation of what He is doing.
Brazil (Summer 2006) – FMI had an amazing summer in Brazil as we again were privileged to work alongside Pastor Dirceu of Iris Ministries. We were able to work with him to plant the first Iris church in Heliopolis, one of the largest favellas (slums) in South America. We enjoyed painting the church and helping on the practical side, while our team was also able to minister to those living in the favella and hold evangelistic street outreaches. The name of the church, Casa de Jesus (House of Jesus) speaks powerfully of what took place – God had made His home among these precious people, and was pouring out His love on their hearts.
Brazil (Summer 2007) – In September, 2007, a team went to Brazil and continued the work Iris Ministries has begun in Heliopolis, the largest favella of Sao Paulo. Pastor Dirceu Ribeiro, director of Iris Ministries- Brazil and a close friend, has been working in Heliopolis since 2005. We have been partnering with him in this work since that time. This year we were able to deepen a lot of relationships and minister to hurting hearts through times of small group discipleship and house to house outreaches. We were particularly able to reach the children through special night services. One of the highlights was teaching them a dance to a favorite Portuguese worship song. Watching the children dance before the Lord brought tears to the adults in the community. We also participated in a three day conference for local Christian businessmen, alongside Pastor Dirceu and traveling evangelist Mel Tari. God is doing amazing things among His people in Brazil and we are excited to be a part of it.
Brazil 2012- After many years, an FMI leadership team was able to return to Brazil to work alongside Pastor Dirceu of Iris Sao Paulo in the favelas (slums) of Brazil. The work has expanded into a new favela as well and we are excited to see the Kingdom growing. The FMI leadership team was able to minister in various churches around Sao Paulo as well as in Curitiba. Many signs and wonders took place as the glory of the Lord filled the atmosphere.
Brazil 2013- This years’ trip to Brazil led our leadership team back to Sao Paulo, but also to the far away state of Bahia. From a remote corner of Brazil seeing a bar full of people say “Yes” to Jesus back to the slums and churches of Sao Paulo, our team saw the Kingdom of God touching so many. FMI director, Pastor Mary Pat Gokee, wrote a letter of love called “The Father’s Heart” while in Brazil and it was translated into Portuguese. The at-risk children in the slum were deeply touched by the truth presented in this letter and many encountered the Lord.
Brazil 2014- The FMI directors as well as a full ministry team were able to hit the ground running in Brazil this January. Living for the first time in many years in the mission base in the Heliopolis favela, our team was able to minister through twice daily gatherings as well as various outreaches using drama and door to door ministry. This was a very fruitful task that brought many to Jesus and touched many hearts and bodies through the healing and delivering power of Jesus.
Brazil 2016- Our Frontline team has returned to live in Heliopolis while ministering in 2 slums during the day. With a larger time this year, we were able to do more focused discipling with some of the older youth from the favela, many of whom had been powerfully touched during the first ministry time with the FMI directors prior to the team’s arrival. Throughout this trip many grew in hearing the voice of God through the prophetic and through a powerful release of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. FMI Brazil’s Centro de Adoracao (FMI Worship Center) was established, a location in the City of God slum was found, and purchased soon after the trip as funds were raised. We believe that this worship center will be part of drawing all men to know and worship Jesus through the radical worshipers rising up from the slums of Brazil.