

We have a center in the heart of the community  which serves as a safe place for these children to receive encouragement, counseling, and practical help.  Ines Nunes, director of Frontline Ministries International Brazil, works with us to see these children and their families leave the cycles of violence and encounter hope.

Frontline Ministries International (FMI), of which Redemption For Life (RFL) is an extension, began sending teams to Brazil in the summer of 2005.  Working with Pastor Dirceu, director of Iris Ministries Brazil, the first team was part of a mission to establish a presence in one of the largest slums of Sao Paulo.  These areas are also called favelas, or, more correctly, communities.  This community, called Heliopolis, is an area that is a hotbed for gangs, prostitution, and poverty.  Children roam the streets during the day and put themselves to sleep at night, while mothers work with customers and men sell or buy drugs.


Love and concern were shown here in practical ways as the FMI team also went house to house throughout the community, spending time, building trust, and imparting truth with individuals and families.  FMI helped to establish a working food kitchen, which in time extended to include medical services and vaccinations for the children of the community.

Through the years, FMI teams have been able to form deep and ever deepening relationships with key residents of Heliopolis and, one by one, have witnessed the transformation of gang members, prostitutes, and families.  Working together with Pastor Dirceu, in 2014 we took the step to develop Frontline Ministries International Brazil, with Ines Nunes as the director.  Continuing work in Heliopolis and expanding to the neighboring community of Cidade de Deus, FMI Brazil has established a meeting place where children and their families are provided a safe place to meet and receive counseling, practical help, spiritual impartation, and hope. One by one, we are seeing childrens’ lives and hearts transformed.