Salvation Unto the Family!
Denny and Joe prayed for a man who came to the Wednesday night Casa de Jesus service. He struggled with alcoholism and needed a job. The man was crying as he shared how he wanted to see his family restored. They asked the man if he was a believer in Jesus, and he told them he wasn’t. After sharing the Gospel with him, Denny and Joe asked the man if he wanted to receive Jesus, and the man said yes! After they we’re finished, the man asked Denny and Joe to wait, and he ran home to get his wife! When he came back with his wife, she asked Denny and Joe to pray for her son, who is a drug dealer. Denny and Joe felt led to ask her if she believed in Jesus before that began to pray for her son. She told them she had been a Christian at one time, but she had turned away from the Lord. After talking with her, the guys were able to pray with the woman to re-dedicate her life to the Lord! They then prayed for her son to come to Jesus, and encouraged the woman to show their son the love of the Lord and share the good news of Jesus with him. Hallelujah!