The People of Sussendenga Experience the Glory of God!
Two hours north of Chimoio lay a small town where our team eagerly prepared to start our crusade. Smiling men, woman, and children greeted us the moment we stepped off the bus. Laughter and exhilaration filled the air with a holy anticipation for Jesus to show Himself strong tonight. The famous “Fly” dance was one of the first things to kick off the night. This dance was written a couple of years ago and is always a crowd favorite here in Mozambique! We normally do the dance first with our dance team, and then invite just a few people to join for a second round to dance with us. We like to call it the dance competition! Each dancer received a prize: a Bible in Portuguese, capalanas for the women, and each was given a prayer book. It is always a delight for the Mozambicans to receive such a gift. Later in the night after several dramas, Troy began to preach the Gospel to our new friends, and 60 people became born again! Thank You, Jesus! Next, Andy prayed for those who had struggled with various addictions or those who had participated in witchcraft. Many were delivered from the power of the enemy! Soon after, Pastor Mary Pat came up to the front to call forth the sick. She had something to say! Three years ago, to the date of this crusade, she was miraculously healed of malaria and received new lungs from Jesus. With a testimony to tell, Pastor Mary Pat prayed over many with malaria who later shared of a difference in their bodies. Many people with poor eyesight or no eyesight at all were completely healed. A young gentleman named Edmund had an accident with a sewing machine in 2003 which caused his left eyeball to be severely damaged, leaving him barely any eye in his socket. After prayer, the progression of his vision improved from being able to see light, to seeing Pastor May Pat’s face, to counting fingers!!! My God’s not dead, He’s surely alive!