Church Plant #1 – Day 1 The miraculous and saving hand of God rescues those in darkness!
We finally arrived to Chimoio where the Lord would soon show Himself strongly during the next three nights in His might and power towards the harvest field awaiting us. Our team settled in as soon as we pulled up, and our first few hours were spent with the dearest children who have been orphaned and brought into the children’s center here. Later that evening we headed out to hold a crusade at a church close to the center. Sheer joy filled our hearts as we were almost finished setting up the sound system, and arranging where our lights would be positioned. One by one, more and more people arrived and seemed eager to be close to what was going on. A call for Salvation was given during the night and every one present lifted their hands to Heaven to make the most amazing and life changing decision they ever could make to be a apart of God’s family. Many others came up afterwards for prayer specifically for healing, and some were healed of stomach and head pain too!