Stopping for the one, and the multitudes!
The team embarked on a 23 hour bus drive to travel to our next ministry location called Chimoio. On our way, we decided to make a brief stop while travelling through a village and happened to park near a bar. Just before leaving, the entire team heard Pastor Mary Pat say, “Grab the drama props, we’re going to do some ministry outside the bar!” Our team unloaded the bus, excited to see what God would do. We prepared to start as a few of the people at the bar were invited to join us and watch. After we had done the dramas, Andrew, one of our team members, shared the Gospel. All responded by praying a prayer to receive Jesus into their hearts forever!
There’s more!
After travelling through the night, we were only a few hours away from our destination. We stopped at a gas station and also ate breakfast before heading out again. As we were standing outside, we found ourselves surrounded by several Mozambicans. We started to speak with some and eventually shared the Gospel with them, as the crowd grew larger by the moment. We did a skit first, and then one of our team members, Carly, invited everyone into salvation. Each person raised their hand and came into the kingdom of God!
Not done yet…
Moments later, Pastor Mary Pat and Pastor Jose led us over to another nearby area to preach the Gospel as well, and hundreds gathered around in a large circle to listen. Andy, another team member, shared the Gospel, accompanied by Peter who continued by praying for the sick to be healed. Fifty people received Jesus on that roadside that day, and will spend eternity with their Father in Heaven! More Lord!