Soaking with the Puppets
Our puppet friends helped our team to share about the purpose and benefits of soaking, or resting, before the Lord. Pastor Bill ushered in the presence of the Lord as he sang prophetically over the children lying on the floor. Many expressed that they felt a peace and a touch from the Lord.
Several of the children had visions from the Lord. One of the young men saw a net and then a dove made out of something like Styrofoam. The dove flew over the net and out into the open sky. Pastor Mary Pat explained that the Holy Spirit is like a dove and doesn’t like to be hindered (the net), but He likes to fly free in the open sky.
Another person saw a person coming toward him. When he reached out to touch the person, the person wasn’t there. He felt that an angel or the Lord had come near to him during this time.
A girl kept hearing the reference of John 3:14. Not knowing what the reference was, she looked it up and read it. It encouraged the group and her that when Jesus is lifted up, God is victorious in our life. Overall, it was a wonderful, peaceful time of resting in the Lord and the children enjoyed waiting on the Lord!