First Day of Ministry at City of God

After arriving in São Paulo safely on Friday afternoon, the team was excited to get situated in their home away from home. They spent the evening practicing Portuguese worship songs, preparing for the next day’s ministry, and praying into all that God wants to do on this trip. Many had visions of God’s love flooding the streets of the favelas, and bringing a cleansing and refreshing to the land.

On Saturday, the team traveled to the City of God favela to minister to the children at the Casa de Jesus church branch and FMI Centro de Adoracão (Worship Center). The favela is extremely impoverished, with small apartment-like homes connected via outdoor alleyways with electrical wiring and washing machines visible in the streets. Part of the team stayed at the Centro de Adoracão while the others ventured out into the streets, which were flooded with trash and standing water. They distributed flyers encouraging children to come to the Bible school that will be hosted by the FMI team this coming week. Team members made new friends in the streets and alleys and prayed for a woman who is nearly deaf, also encouraging her to accept Jesus into her heart.

Later in the day, the whole team reconvened to deliver further lessons from their youth ministry curriculum to the children. Team members, led by Theresa, put on a drama about being connected to Father God, as Jesus is the vine and we as children are the branches. The drama showed that the storms of life [heartbreak, trauma, temptation] may come, but if we respond to Jesus with open hearts, He will empower us to be overcomers. The drama led into a time of personal testimonies by team members and inviting the children to pray for a touch from the Holy Spirit. During this time, Janiel, a young man who has grown up in the favela and has become closely connected to Frontline and Pastor Dirceu, had a vision of Jesus embracing Him and telling him, “You are My beloved son.” Several boys from the favela deeply received from the Father’s heart during prayer time with Troy and Brenda. Team members released prophetic words to the children, to which they listened intently. The afternoon ended enjoying popcorn and fellowship with these precious children.