Back Pain and Fear Leave

I called my boyfriend, Peter, during lunch. He wanted me to pray for him because the left side of his back was in pain. A couple of weeks ago he had experienced back pain on his right side similar to what was appearing on his left side; it seemed to be a nerve.

I began to pray releasing the Kingdom of Heaven and healing in his back while commanding all pain and throbbing in the nerve to go in Jesus name. After praying I asked if there was any change, but he wasn’t sure so I asked him to do something he couldn’t.  He did notice a difference! Thank you Jesus!

Last night he slept all the way through the night. And he told me that the Lord broke the fear of this [pain] repeating again plus [the Lord] healed his back. Peter mentioned it was a little tender, but so thankful to the Lord’s goodness of healing being released in him.
