Finding God’s TREASURE at the county fair!

Last Friday I was a part of the group hunting for the Lord’s treasure at the Stark County Fair. It was the end of the night and we were headed back to meet up with the other groups when I felt led to go over to a young man whom I had seen earlier. As I talked to him I learned that his name was Jacob. One of our group said, “He’s on the list”.  At the top of our list of people to look for on our outreach was a person named Jacob. I felt led to encourage him and exhort him regarding the Lord’s love for him and the Lord’s desire to speak to him and to single him out so that he would know that God wanted to reveal new things to him.Â

As the rest of the family came around, I met his other three brothers and one of them was named James. Again, someone in the group said, “He’s on the list. Do your feet hurt you, James?” He answered that his feet where very sore and his mother added that James needed new shoes. The last person on the list was named James and it said that the Lord was giving him new shoes of the Gospel of Peace and that his feet hurt. James’ feet hurt. His mother even said that he needed new shoes. And we spoke over him that the Lord would be using him to bring the good news to the lost. God loves to show us in advance what He wants to do and who He wants to speak to!
