Extreme Makeover: FMI Centro de Adoracao

Monday was our final day to complete Extreme Makeover: Worship Center Edition. The team worked diligently to finish painting scenes that were largely inspired by Ezekiel 47: a river flowing from a heavenly sky and teeming with fish, a large fruit bearing tree with roots that went deep into the river, and silhouettes of children and a father figure worshipping in the river, all amidst an airy rainbow background, symbolizing the promises of God. The Holy Spirit inspired Brenda to trace the shadows of children living in City of God for the silhouettes, which they were absolutely thrilled with. This will be a reminder to them to remain in the river of His presence, as well as solidifying in their hearts that they are an integral part of what God is doing here. While the FMI Centro de Adoracao was being completed, Mike went into the Casa de Jesus building across the alley to liven it up with a divinely picturesque sunset. We believe that these freshly painted scenes are symbolic of the beautiful transformation that God is bringing to this community.

Once the paintings were complete, children and adults flocked to the FMI Centro de Adoracao for a time of worship. Everyone packed in so tightly that many of the smaller children sat on team members’ laps and still some people stood in the alleyway outside. It was a blessing to provide new instruments for the center, including another guitar, a drum box, a cello, and a flute, all of which will be left there for the youth to learn and worship with. Heavenly sounds filled the atmosphere, and the peace of God was tangible. Team members were in tears as they witnessed everyone singing in one accord, including children, adults, volunteers, and our new friend Henrique who gave his life to Jesus here just a few days ago. It was a true picture of the family of God coming together to exalt our King! As the music dwindled, some stayed to receive prayer for healing, including a woman who had low blood pressure and had fainted earlier that day. After prayer, she said she felt 100% better. Thank You Lord for this incredible grand finale for our last night at City of God!